Friday, March 28, 2014

Handsome Hajek

Inspiration for beginning my own blog to record the crazy, outlandish but beautiful things I have come to know as my life goes to my cousin, Jenn and her amazing blog. 

I'll begin with a story I'll never forget and explains the Hajek journey I'll live my life by.  I call this the day or should I say night, I met my handsome Hajek.  Well a group of us decided to try out the new Chuy's in Waco for a quick bite to eat before bowling the night away at Lake Air lanes.  I was with my boyfriend at this point in time and my best friend and her boyfriend as well (Insert Katie Jo - my best friend of a lifetime).  We were consistently calling everyone we knew to come out and join us bowling when a friend of my boyfriends showed up.  I remember him being very nicely dressed and well you could say my type of "good-looking."  So we all introduced ourselves to the newbie, his name was Matt.  So we headed over to the alley's and bowled game after game when during one rotation of turns it was back around to that Matt guy.  I'm not sure if he was trying fancy moves or to hard to bowl a strike but he BUSTED his bottom right in the middle of the lane.  Of course I wasn't able to witness this myself because I'd stepped away to visit the snack stand.  But I can imagine how humorous it might have been.

Stay with me... there IS a final point that I think you'll like to my story. 

Back to the single, dating world I went not long after the first part of this story.  But of course I still had Katie Jo and she was single again as well :).  We were the generation that opened up Wild West Waco when it first arrived downtown.  A new club in Waco to "boot-scoot" at, we were thrilled!  We went for concerts weekly when they had a good number of them scheduled consistently.  We were going for another concert on a Friday night in April of 2011.  I honestly cannot recall who the artist playing was because we've seen so many concerts together in Waco.  We walked in the doors of Wild West and I immediately noticed a black felt cowboy hat off to the right, towards the back of the room.  He looked like he was consistently probably looking for a particular person to walk in.  We just decided to go off to the opposite side of the dance floor and see if we knew anyone over there.  Later that night, I  noticed the same black felt hat.  Well everyone having known my little bit of attitude at one point or another, you can probably guess what I felt the need to do.  I walked right up to him and said, "You sure look like you can dance.  Why don't we see what you've got?"  He answered by simply stating, "You don't remember me do you?" 
It was MATT.  The same handsome, goofball I'd met months before.  We danced away the remainder of the night together.  There's always more detail to a long love story but I'll cut it short by saying that we have been together ever since.

This one event kicked off my journey with a Hajek. 

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